ife is getting even tougher for poor people in America. As poverty rates soar — due in part to policies such as cutting pandemic aid for poor and working-class people — new rules that kicked in September 1 only add to the suffering.

Life is getting even tougher for poor people in America. As poverty rates soar — due in part to policies such as cutting pandemic aid for poor and working-class people — new rules that kicked in September 1 only add to the suffering…

Fear & Loathing in San Francisco

The Nation

After just two years in office, Chesa Boudin, the district attorney of San Francisco, gets blamed for every crime in the book—even offenses committed before he took office and beyond the city limits…

These Members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus Often Act More Like Corporate Centrists—And Many Deserve Primary Challenges…

The COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing recessions have hit older workers especially hard.

The COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing recessions have hit older workers especially hard.

Labor Day’s forgotten older workers

the Seattle Times

When we think of workers on Labor Day, who comes to mind? Chances are, it’s not the millions of older workers still toiling in our nation’s home care and nursing facilities, cleaning our office buildings, hustling around carrying boxes in big corporate warehouses, driving long-haul trucks or sweating in the fields to produce our food…

As we celebrate Labor Day and “essential workers” amid a viciously resurgent pandemic, we ought to match our rhetoric with some concrete protections for these workers — you know, all those warehouse employees, meatpackers, farmworkers and supermarket staff that industry groups love to thank online while doing little, if anything, for them in the real world.

As we celebrate Labor Day and “essential workers” amid a viciously resurgent pandemic, we ought to match our rhetoric with some concrete protections for these workers — you know, all those warehouse employees, meatpackers, farmworkers and supermarket staff that industry groups love to thank online while doing little, if anything, for them in the real world.

Biden’s much-anticipated workplace safety rule excludes most workers—and some in the labor movement are not happy.

Biden’s much-anticipated workplace safety rule excludes most workers—and some in the labor movement are not happy.